urban built-up area

美 [ˈɜːrbən bɪlt ʌp ˈeriə]英 [ˈɜːbən bɪlt ʌp ˈeəriə]
  • 网络城市建成区;城市规划区;都会建成区
urban built-up areaurban built-up area
  1. Economic Driving Force of Urban Built-up Area Expansion in Beijing


  2. Analysis on Spatial-Temporal Evolution of Expansion of Macao Urban Built-Up Area


  3. Distribution of China City Size Expressed by Urban Built-up Area


  4. The housing spatial structures in Guangzhou urban built-up area and their causes ' analysis


  5. Spatio-temporal Analysis of Urban Built-up Area Expansion in the Pearl River Delta


  6. The Study on Plants Diversity of Greenbelts in Urban Built-up Area of Beijing City


  7. Space-time features analysis of land use / cover change in Guangzhou urban built-up area from 1907 to 1968


  8. However , the net increase of urban built-up area and the the urban population density are still low .


  9. Establishing a Uniform Standard for Calculation of Urban Built-up Area & With Hangzhou Central City Zone as an Example


  10. The spatial analysis of urban built-up area is the basis of urban development trend analysis , and is important for future urban planning .


  11. Assessment of land use environmental impacts in urban built-up area : A case study in main built-up area of Nanchang City


  12. The study also finds a significant fractal urban built-up area , the greater the fractal dimension , the greater compactness .


  13. The essential of urban built-up area expansion is the process that human being constantly adjust and arrange land use in the urban edge to satisfy the development requirements of social economy .


  14. This is an unprecedented opportunity for it . However , it is different from the reconstruction in the urban built-up area , there are more complex issues need to be considered .


  15. The results reveals that the urban built-up area increased by 46.09 km ~ 2 from 1996 to 2002 , due largely to population growth , economic development and increasing foreign direct investment .


  16. The expansion of urban built-up area differed obviously in space . Overall , the expansion rate for eastern region is fastest , followed by the central and the west regions .


  17. Moreover , using primary factors affecting land use in URIA , this paper builds a regression equation to predict the changes of urban built-up area and cropland within ten years of Wuxi .


  18. The formation of villages is with the rapid construction of major cities , the rapid expansion of urban built-up area and urban fringe of a number of villages surrounded by the city in its region .


  19. China has stepped into the latter half of the middle stage of industrialization and urbanization , so the rapid expansion of urban built-up area and adjustment of land-use structure have turned into an important feature of urbanization and social economy development .


  20. Firstly , using the total population in the urban built-up area as the index of urban size , rank-size law can describe the city system 's organization of Hubei Province in 1980 ~ 1998 , but it is not the optimal model .


  21. Compared with other urban built-up area ," villages within the city " exist a comparatively large disparity such as economic and social development and so on . All of these have severe influence on the wholly healthy and sustainable development of the city .


  22. Especially in urban built-up area , great site protection and urban construction intensified the contradiction between , How to not only better protect such a large site , but also to promote urban development , which is a great site protection in urban areas the main problem .


  23. Firstly , the study extracted the urban built-up area based on an index-drived image composed of Modified Normalized Differences Water Index ( MNDWI ), Soil Adjusted Vegetation Index ( SAVI ) and Normalized Differences Built-up Index ( NDBI ) .


  24. Although the effect of correlation between NDVI and brightness temperature from the thermal infrared band of TM imagery was unobvious relatively on urban scale , on built-up area scale which affected intensively by human activity , it showed a significant negative correlation .


  25. We start at the rank-size rule by urban population and the rank-size rule by urban built-up area , and derive a mathematical relationship that the land use size of a city and its population .


  26. Urban fringe is a zone of transition between the built-up area and the countryside . It is the space that belongs to urban area and is located around urban built-up area .


  27. Secondly , the paper points out that new development zones bring on urban space reconstruction in Shanghai , accelerate the expansion of urban built-up area and the reorganization of internal space in urban central area , turn urban form from the single-center pattern to the multi-center and regionalization .
